The ARES membership information is held within a secure website and online database system. The system has been built with security and member ease of use as the top priorities. Additionally, this manual has been written to help guide members when performing various functions within the system.
As ARES ECs or RACES Officers, you have been given additional functions into the ARES database over the normal ARES member. This functionality is given via a totally seperate interface and login under what is called a "subadmin" menu. As a result, you must maintain a member record to keep yourself registered in the system as a member, as well as your login to the subadmin interface described here. The EC and RACES Officer interface and menu is simply for administrative functionality in your official capacity. You will be able to manage your members, view all of their registration information (including training and equipment asset records), and print out member reports.
Be aware that there is also an "admin" menu, used by the DECs, the SEC and SM. This menu provides a further functions applicable to individuals holding those positions. If you run into problems or find some data that needs updating that you cannot edit, please contact one of these individuals for assistance.
We take security and data privacy very seriously. Any use of the administration functions described herein that is forbidden by our data privacy policy, either explicitly or in nature, is considered abuse of the system, resulting in restrictions being put into place. All actions within this interface are logged for security purposes.
If you have any problems that this manual does not cover or any other questions about the system, please feel free to contact your DEC or system administrator.
Admins and subadmins are able to enter new members into the system. This is done by clicking on the Enter New ARES Application link off of the main menu. The screen is very much like entering a new application in the normal member interface, except as an admin you can also do the following:
Entering a new member record into the system should be done ONLY when a member does not have a PC or Internet access. The strong preference is for members to enter and edit their own data, allieviating the clerical duties for the ARES leadership as much as possible. In the case that the member does not have a PC or Internet access, have the member fill out a paper form FSD-98. You can use that information to enter their membership into the system.
To view or edit a member record, the record must first be located. This can be done by either clicking on the main menu link
List Member Records and scrolling down to the record in question, or by running a search for the
record. Once located, click on the link labeled Edit_Link.
Be aware that your searches and listings are restricted to the members assigned to you. This initial assignment is made by a DEC or SEC.
Once in the edit screen you may edit all of the normal member record fields, including their training and equipment asset records. You can also do the following:
Once you have completed your edits to the member record, scoll to the top of bottom of the page and click on the Update Member Information button to save the changes.
You may view a member contact roster and a training report for all members assigned to you. To start, click on the EC Report - Roster and Training Detail link off of the main menu. You will be presented with a page containing three links at the top, followe by a contact roster and training reports. The reports shown are the best way to view the information online. The links at the top are for exporting the contact roster and training reports to a tab-delimited text file. The text file can then be imported into a spreadsheet program (such as Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc).
The section's ARES leadership can be viewed off of the List Leadership Positions link on the main menu. The list seperated showing Admins first, then Subadmins.
A Summary Training Statistics is available off of the main menu. This report lists all the unique courses that any member has reported taken, as well as the count of members that have reported having taken the course.
The "Where am I?" table is available off of the link on the main menu. This is the look-up table the system used to determine a member's district (and therefore, their DEC) from their city/town. It also lists the home repeater, county, and MEMA Region for each city/town.
The system can be used to send an email out to all or some of the members assigned to you. To do so, perform the following:
Below the main menu is a search entry box that can be used to quickly locate any member assigned to you quickly and easily. The member's call sign, last name, first name, county, city, or ZIP may be entered as search criteria. The query will return any and all members assigned to you that meet the search criteria entered.