| Westerm Massachusetts ARRL Section Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) Member Registration Site Information | | |
This project is a result of dialog and technology sharing between the CT ARES team, Western Massachusetts Section ARES, New Hampshire Section ARES, and EMA Section ARES amateur radio operators. The original concept was presented by W1MPN and KD1CY. Details of the project were developed over time and tested with members of the CT, WMA, NH and EMA ARES staff and general membership including N1HY, AF1HS (SK), N1FY, W1GMF (SK), KB1EKN, W3EVE, N1BDA, WQ1O, WK1H, N2YHK, N1CKM (SK), KL1WD and others. The web page layout is designed to comply with the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative - to make the web content accessible to people with disabilities.
Thanks to N1HY for page design and to Betsey K1EIC and John N1UMJ for testing. Credit also to Jim KB1KQW and Steve W3EVE for input on the mailing functions and special thanks to Bob DeMattia K1IW for the interface model he built in an online project for the Boston Marathon Communication
There are a variety of ways for you to stay in the loop on Western Massachusetts ARES activities: Technical Specifications
This project uses Qilan for JSP page production, Tomcat for the servlet/JSP container and MySQL for the backend database. Web Application Author (Chief Geek): N1XTB, Application Version 118j. Summary of Features
- Each organization has it's own independent project customized with Logo's, text titles, and geographical/district responsibilities.
- Online registration of members
- New registrant signups will send notification emails to the SEC and responsible DEC
- Emergency Coordinators and RACES officers can mail from within the database to their assigned members
- District Emergency Coordinators and the Section Emergency Coordinator can mail from within the database to a selected district
- District Emergency Coordinators and the Section Emergency Coordinator can enter and track event specific availability and assignments
After Registration, members or administrators can maintain: - training records
- equipment records
- address and contact information
- availability information
Three levels of access: User, Subadministrative, Administrative Reports: - Membership list
- Training summary statistics - (courses and counts for each)
- Training detail list (who has completed what course)
- DEC roster and training list
- EC (or RACES officer) roster and training list
- Text file exports (Rosters and Training) for administrative and subadministrative access levels
- Equipment reports
- Leadership roster
- Activity log (tracks edits by user or administrators)
- Access log
- Photo gallery (user photo's that could be used for producing identification)
- RACES affiliations
- Where am I table (to help members determine whose jurisdiction they reside in)
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